Salt Booth

Salt Booth Therapy in Kingston, TN

Halo Salt Cave & Spa is dedicated to giving our clients a safe and comfortable place to improve their overall health and wellness. We use natural, non-toxic methods to make sure that people throughout Kingston and the surrounding areas of Tennessee are free of pain, inflammation, skin concerns, and so much more. Learn more below about our salt booth therapy services and how they can help you.

  • Halo salt therapy

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The benefits of salt booths

Salt booths take the benefits of traditional halotherapy, which we also offer, but make it incredibly easy to use and space-saving. A salt booth allows someone to sit in a comfortable, private booth for only 10 - 20 minutes and get all the same positive changes they would from a much larger system, including respiratory and skin healing and detoxification.

Salt booth pricing

Our halo salt booth is one of the most affordable and easy ways to get the benefits of halotherapy. A single session is 10-20 minutes long and costs $25, allowing you to fit it into any schedule with ease! You can bring your small child or pet with you at no extra charge, some restrictions apply.

  • Halo salt therapy

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Contact us to book your salt booth appointment.  (865) 224-6300

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